Sunday, May 8, 2011

Things to read and subscribe to for Epicness in NOLA

So here I am this time last year working on putting together my internship for Fleurty Girl in my favorite PJ's, writing my first article about touristy things when I pick up a Gambit Weekly. I had read the publication numerous times when working for Community Coffee back in high school, and I will always remember when I spotted my graduation present to myself : a concert at the House of Blues featuring Hellogoodbye and a few other teeny bopper bands popular at the time.

When remembering this, I thought to myself " Maybe I can find something else awesome to do to celebrate the semester ending and embarking on a new journey with this internship." Then I remembered I was leaving at the end of the month to visit a friend in Berkley, CA.

Anyway, long story short, Gambit Weekly is jammed packed with awesomeness: Food, Shows, Shops, Local Impact Articles, and the occasional hilarious personal ad.

Other publications you can pick up are as follows: The Times Picayune (local newspaper. also online at, Off Beat Magazine (best for the music scene), Where Y'at? (next best thing to Gambit), The Avenue ( for culture and arts... and maybe snooty uptown-ness), The Levee ( for comedic humor on serious local stories) and anything else at the coffee shop you're stopping at in the morning. Most of these publications are free, but the Times is a 'buy only' thing (don't you dare steal one!) All these fine publications are full of info. to last you day to day or even the week/month.

Now for the money savers! We all know I'm just a college student, and I love cheap/free thrills! I'm pretty sure with this economy, you're a penny pincher too! If you have a problem signing up your email for anything, stop reading now because this is not for you! If anything, make a separate email account to get these great deals for the cheap thrills. Have you seen the commercials and ads for LivingSocial? Go on the website and sign your email up for NOLA. Same with Groupon. They send you an email at least 5 days a week about local places to shop, eat, and entertainment. Another place is My New Orleans Perks. Also a great idea is all the local radio stations. They all have a 'half price mall' or a weekly email letting you know about some great deal going on.

I can't begin to even put into words about how all these places have helped me discover more and more about my favorite place on Earth. So start reading and sign your email up for the greatness offered here in New Orleans!